is an entertaining romantic comedy adaptation of William Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet wrapped up as a zombie movie. That
is what it seems like because WARM BDIES owes a lot to the classic Shakespeare play as a girl named Julie is rescued by a
zombie called R. After eating the brains of Julie's boyfriend, something awakens in R as he becomes more alive and rediscovers
his humanity. R and Julie develop a friendship and bond as R wants to make sure Julie is kept alive and get her back home.
However, R's new relationship with Julie causes some changes in the zombie community which the most degraded versions known
as Bonies. Julie's father believes the zombies can't change as he struggles to eliminate the zombie threat with his military
is an adaptation of a novel by Isaac Marion. The movie adaptation brings a fresh take on zombie movies while providing a unique
take on Romeo and Juliet. It is a moving romantic comedy where you actually care for the characters and get sucked into this
post-apocalyptic world which ahs a comedic spin mixed with romance and action. The leads do a good job as R and Julie while
John Malkovich provides another good performance in what could have been a cliché character in the hands of other actors because
Malkovich manages to make General Grigio his own despite
the limited amount of screen time and material. I like how it starts as a comedy before shifting into post-apocalyptic drama
mode before settling into romantic comedy mode with a few action beats. It is a well rounded film you should go see instead
of the dreadful Hansel and Gretel. I would definitely go see WARM BODIES again as it is a zombie movie with heart and brains
(pardon the pun).
this movie
review is (c)2-3-2013 David Blackwell and cannot be reprinted without permission. send all comments to feedback@enterline-media.com