movie review by David Blackwell
120 minutes, Rated PG-13
STUDIO: Warner Bros Pictures. Rat-Pac Dunes Entertainment/ Cruel and Unusual Films
Theatrical RELEASE DATE: 11-17-2017
Months after Superman's death, Batman/ Bruce Wayne (Ben Affleck) is trying to bring together a group of superheroes to fight
against major threats (based on the visit from the future and dream he had in BATMAN V SUPERMAN: DAWN OF JUSTICE). He attempts
to recruit Arthur Curry aka the Aquaman (Jason Momoa) with no success, but He is able to get Barry Allen/ The Flash (Ezra
Miller) on board. Wonder Woman (Gal Gadot) brings a warning that an invasion has started with Stephenwolf and his army of
Parademons searching for the three Mother Boxes which will remake the Earth if put together. Will the team of Batman, Wonder
Woman, The Flash, Aquaman, and Cyborg be enough or will they have to find a way to bring back a fallen hero known as Superman?
JUSTICE LEAGUE isn't a great movie, but it isn't a bad movie. It is an enjoyable movie, but the mandated runtime of two hour
and the switch of directors in post=-production (Joss Whedon took over editing and did some reshoots after Zack Snyder stepped
down (due to the death of his daughter). Some character development scenes with Aquaman, Cybrog, and the Flash hit the floor
along with some dialogue and action scene trims. The introduction of new characters is a little rushed with almost no character
development and Stephenwolf is lame as a bad guy (plus some of the action scenes seem less epic than the action scenes like
in the Avengers movie directed by Joss Whedon). JUSTICE LEAGUE is a lighter affair with some humor. I just hope there
is a longer cut or a cut closer to Zack Snyder’s original version released on blu-ray. JUSTICE LEAGUE is a fun way
to spend two hours even though it isn't a 100 percent home run for DC and Warner Bros Pictures. Please stay around for the
two extra scenes during the end credits.
This review is ©11-22-2017 David Blackwell and cannot be reprinted without permission
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