SWEET COUNTRY is an Australian Western inspired by True Events. Sam Kelly is a middle aged Aborignal man who work works
for religious pastor Fred (Sam Neill), a preacher, in the outback of Australia’s Northern Territory. A bitter
war veteran named Harry man is sent to help run the neighboring outpost in the outback and Fred loans Sam, Sam's wife, and
a little girl named Lucy to help with work on the outpost for a couple of days. Sam's wife is violated by Harry and threatened
not to tell anyone, but it doesn't matter since Harry isn't right in the head (and a little drunk) and he decides to search
for Philomac, an Aboriginal boy works at the outpost that decides to run away after he is chained up. Harry shows up at
Fred's place while Fred is away to town for a few days. He left Sam and his wife to care for the place. Harry is agitated
and starts shooting up the house and Sam ends up shooting Harry. Sam and his wife run since he shot a white fella. He becomes
a wanted man pursued by Sergeant Fletcher (Bryan Brown) across the deadly outback. The true details begin to surface about
the shooting and it brings to question the justice versus prejudice by whites against blacks.
SWEET COUNTRY is a good blend of history and Western mixed with drama and looking at racial hate during the time. The
beautiful desolation of the Australia Outback is highlighted against the solid acting and beautiful cinematography.
The only extras are the theatrical trailer for SWEET COUNTRY and trailers for SUBMERGENCE, MAD TO BE NORMAL, and 100 STREETS.
FINAL ANALYSIS: SWEET COUNTRY is one of the better movies I have seen this year and it blends history, Western, and prejudice
in this slow burn drama.
This review is (c)7-18-2018 David Blackwell and cannot be reprinted without permission. Send all comments to feedback@enterline-media.com
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