movie review by David Blackwell
130 minutes, Rated PG-13
STUDIO: Marvel Studios
Theatrical RELEASE DATE: 11-3-2017
STARRING Chris Hemsworth, Tom Hiddlestone, Mark Ruffalo, Cate Blanchett, Tessa Thompson, Karl Urban, Jeff Golblum
Directed by Taiki Waititi
Thor (Chris Hemsworth) has been searching for the other Infinity Stones for the last two years when he decides to return home
and discovers Loki (Tom Hiddlestone) is impersonating his father Odin. Loki and Thor go to Earth in search of Odin only to
discover Odin's death will unleash Hela (Cate Blanchett) from her prison. Hela is the Goddess of Death and Thor's older sister.
She banishes Thor and Loki to the planet of Sakaar. Thor faces Hulk in the Grandmaster's arena of Champions while Hela lays
waste to Asgard as she takes control of her former home. Thor must find a way back to Asgard to save his people and stop
THOR: RAGNAROK is an enjoyable sequel with plenty of Easter Eggs to the Thor and Hulk comics and the other Marvel movies.
Sakaar has production design inspired by Jack Kirby art from his cosmic Marvel stories. The plot is rushed where it wraps
up the plot from the end of the last one rather too quickly before diving into the main plot dealing with Hela and Ragnarok
while it also takes a detour of Thor and Loki being trapped on the planet of Sakaar where Thor must battle the Hulk and bond
with him (before planning an escape to go back to save the people of Asgard. The production design, humor, and action are
fantastic, but the story is very muddled as it has to wrap up the previous movie, tie-in with the next AVENGERS movie, and
introduce new characters and show what happened to Hulk/ Bruce Banner (Mark Ruffalo) since the last AVENGERS movie. The
movie lost some scenes and had some stuff reshot with the movie starting at 160 minutes down to 90 minutes before ending up
with the final running time of 130 minutes. Overall, the sequels to THOR have been a mess storywise and trying to play around
here and there. It is a fun movie with plenty of humor even though it rushes through a few things to get to other scenes
in the movie. It is an enjoyable movie which you will watch if you enjoyed the other movies from Marvel Studios (or generally
a fan of the Marvel Comics).
This review is ©11-10-2017 David Blackwell and cannot be reprinted without permission. -Send all comments to feedback@enterline-media.com
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